Poudine Manioc: A delightful bite of Mauritian warmth and tradition.


Poudine Manioc: A sweet bite of Mauritian comfort

  • Poudine Manioc is not just a desert but also a taste of tradition. It is made with grated cassava (manioc), coconut milk and a touch of sweetness as well. This pudding embodies the resourcefulness and rich heritage of the island nation. 
  • The cassava plant was brought by the Portuguese in our island of Mauritus in the 17th century. Then, the Mauritians adopted the plant and then cultured its local taste by adding sugar, vanilla and nutmeg. 
  • It is served warm often with topped coconut for a better texture and it can be served for breakfast or even during snack times.
  • Its ingredients concludes of:
  • -1 cup of coconut milk
  • -1/2 cup of water
  • -1 small cassava plant
  • -75 grams of sugar
  • -1/2 tablespoon of salt
  • At last fresh grated coconut to decorate


Here are the instructions on how to make this delicious Mauritian dessert:

1. Peel and wash the cassava, grate it finely. You can also use a blender to make this step easier and you can add 200ml of milk to the blender with the cassava.

2. In a large bowl, combine the grated cassava, sugar, vanilla extract and optional dessicated coconut. Mix well until everything is evenly combined together.

3. Grease your baking mold with butter. Pour the cassava mixture into the mold.

4. Bake in a preheated oven at 225 degrees celsius which is 437 degrees fahrenheit for 30-35 minutes or you can also use a saucepan for a gentler cooking method which will take around 30 minutes only.

5. Let the pudding cool completely in the mold before unmolding and cutting into slices.

6. For an extra touch, coat the cooled pudding in coconut powder.

Desert is ready!😋


  1. Tried this few years back...it was amazing.

  2. Its look delicious, I wanna try it

  3. Amazing dish with a beautiful explanation on how to make the dish.
    Indubitably, this is the best.

  4. I love a good Poudine Manioc

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Water dripping in my mouth already 🤤

  7. I wanna try this one too. it looks yummy.

  8. A traditional dessert that takes me a trip down memory lane.


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